For Suppliers

The sales hub for suppliers of chemicals and raw materials


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Your targets? Never in question.

Grow sales — and your business

Inbound from buyers across the globe and receive sales leads, with no added effort. Enter new segments and grow your business like never before.

Build impactful relationships

Don’t just get new leads. Build deep, long-lasting, and successful partnerships with new buyers.

Sell your product, not your secret

Educate buyers on unique product offerings and increase transparency, without disclosing inventory, prices, products, or specs publicly.

Join for free, seriously

Receive new leads for free — what you see is what you get, with no hidden fees or markups. Get online in minutes for online marketing at scale.

In just four easy steps. 


Sign up for free

Create a Valdera account, get online in minutes, then watch as free leads start coming through the door.


The partnership portal for sales teams. Just like yours.

Valdera isn’t a distributor or marketplace. Just a smart platform that helps you build successful relationships with buyers globally.

Automated matching

Get matched with relevant, high-value buyers automatically using our accurate, AI-powered algorithms.

Market Intelligence Copy 2 Cropped
Market intelligence

Study your buyers’ purchasing decisions, use cases, and applications to make informed decisions on who to sell to.

Privacy New

Your data will never be disclosed publicly, except to the buyers you choose to submit a quote to.

Messaging New

Communicate directly with brands and manufacturers, and improve your buyer relationships.

Magic Link
CertificationsComing soon

No need to log in to use Valdera. Respond to requests via email in seconds, without disrupting your existing sales workflow.

Watch as your production business grows

Stay on top of your sales pipeline. See all your bids in one place, track the status of shipping, manage payment terms, and more.